29 May

The lockdown has given me as well as a lot of other people a lot of time on my hands.  I had some lino lying around and felt a need to be creative.  I decided to make a printed zine about lockdown.

I started with some drawings.

Planned the layout.

I transferred the drawing onto the lino, in reverse so that the print would come out the right way.

Next was the carving out the lino.  I bought some Pfeil cutting tools and hadn't had a proper chance to use them yet.

The cutting out was very challenging.  I'd not tried anything this complicated in lino before and I made a few mistakes but I got there in the end.

I decided that I would print an edition of 30 and sell them for the charity Mind.  There is a lot of talk at the moment about how the Corona Virus and lockdown is affecting peoples mental health.  I feel like I've been affected by the lack of human interaction myself.

After folding them up, I made some tracing paper covering bands and finished them with a print of a mask. After plugging them on facebook and instagram, I sold them for £5 each and raised £150.

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